I went home to my mom's house for an orthodontist appointment, and for my birthday dinner party with my family. The last few years we've combined them into the same day so I dont have to travel back and forth as often. Its a good excuse not to miss a dentist appointment! :P
We went out for dinner at the Empress of China. A Chinese buffet restaurant like the mandarin, only less selection and cheaper price. Food isn't as good, or atleast wasn't this time... The place was EMPTY. And after dinner we got our bill and found out that drinks were NOT free refills. Thats rediculous. EVERYWHERE in the WORLD has free refills on soft drinks. But not this place. We gave our opinion to the manager as we were leaving.
For my birthday I was given money from everyone. I love money!!!
But I was told a couple weeks ago that I was going to get something really special.
I had no idea what my grandma was talking about.
After I opened my cards WITH MY MONEY INSIDE!!! I was handed a present, about the size of a ring box. I opened it and WOW!!! GOOD GUESS... it WAS a ring box!!!
Inside was my great grandfather's ring, that was given to my Grandfather, and after he passed, my grandma kept it and decided to give it to me.
My great grandpa was the same birth stone as me, so its perfect. and its exactly the style of ring I like too.
Ironically, I was just discussing with Sophia how I wanted a ring for my birthday this year or next. I know she cant afford a ring, and I wouldn't expect her to buy one, but I was just saying how I wanted one. We were also looking at wedding rings to get ideas of what eachother likes... For whenever I have the money and frame of mind to decide to buy a ring and ask her!!
Im going to have my grandfather's name engraved inside it. His name is the same as my Great Grandfathers, so its perfect as well.
My dad thinks I should put my name in there too, and then my kid's name later on, but I dont think Im going to. I think Im just going to put my Grandpa's/Great Grandpa's name in it.
This is probably the best birthday present I could have ever gotten. Its not just a possession, but its an heirloom... with sentimental value. Not just a ring that someone bought for me, but one that was PASSED to me. I never really thought I would get anything like this handed down. Only problem is the ring is HUGE. Its about 50 sizes too big. Would fit an elephant's leg... my grandpa had HUGE hands... Im gonna get it sized ASAP. Cant wait. My dad says he know's a guy who will do it, and probably wont charge me (I HOPE!)
it'll only cost 20-30 bucks to resize it, but then the jeweler will pocket the gold as well.
So likely my dad's friend will resize it, and keep the gold, but not charge me. I think thats fair. he does the work, keeps the gold, i get the ring. What am I going to do with a nugget of gold? i'll just end up losing it.
Well, I have nothing else to say. I'll post a pic of it as soon as my girlfriend shows me how. She has some sort of picture hosting thing, and I dont know anything about it.
I mean, I KNOW how to post a pic, its just she has webspace, and my geocities webspace is trash :)

I said I would post a picture, and here it is!!!
Check back often! Lots of updates regardless of how unimportant things are at the moment!